In the last several years, the Danish word hygge has gained popularity in cultures outside of Denmark and people have embraced the concept behind the word’s meaning to make their lives cozier and more content. On the heels of hygge, a few more words have crept up that can be applied to life in general, and definitely when it comes to the best way to glamp.

Niksen: In short, the Dutch concept of niksen translates to doing absolutely nothing, and without purpose. So, for those of you who schedule every minute of your vacation time, this might be a difficult one to swallow, but we think the idea of lounging around a tiny home, with nothing to do but enjoy the solitude and scenery sounds pretty good coming off of a year like 2020. It’s a bit different than practicing mindfulness because what niksen wants you to do is feel the joy of just being – not focusing on how or where, but just being! We think a perfect setting to get all into the niksen way is to head to the Leavenworth Tiny House Village, set up a comfortable chair outside your favorite tiny, and just sit there. Yes, there are trees surrounding you and the sounds of wildlife as a white noise soundtrack, but in reality, it’s just you, being you, in this perfect setting.

Friluftsliv: This Norwegian term is just perfect for any lover of the great outdoors because it translates to “open-air living.” How about that for a perfect match for any upcoming glamping trips you’ve got planned. First, before we embrace it, let’s learn to pronounce it – so let’s all say it together – “free-loofts-liv.” Now that you can say it, let’s figure out where to practice the concept. The point here is to get out into nature and appreciate what it can bring to us – happiness, tranquility, a clear mind. Norwegians practice it all year round so don’t let weather stop you. If you want to glamp in the winter climate, go ahead, but we’re gonna find our friluftsliv in sunny Florida. The Keys are the perfect location and the Sunshine Key Tiny House Village is a great place to start living life the friluftsliv way. Hike, bike, scuba dive, snorkel, beachcomb, frolic with dolphins, and visit the tiny Key deer. Take on all the outdoor experiences that can be found in the Keys and you’re on your way.

Koselig: Another one from the convivial Norwegians, but this one wants you to bring the gang. Similar to hygge, koselig (“koosh-lee”) is all about being comfortable and cozy but tosses in the social aspect by adding in friends and family when it’s time for comfy and cozy. Studies have shown there is a clear link ] between social connections and well-being, so it’s important to get the friends and family involved when practicing koselig. “Kos” requires the same things as hygge, such as warm lighting, softer music, cozy fires, and a low-stress environment. And all that is to be enjoyed surrounded by the people who make you laugh, bring joy to your life and check the box when it comes to perfect traveling companions. Of course, there is nothing cozier than a cabin, so check out our cabins when you plan your next koselig-inspired glamping trip. Options include locations in California, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. Rent several cabins, bring the whole gang and koselig like it’s 1999!
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